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The Historian's Best Friend
1. My Journey to (Neo)Vim
2. Vim as a DSL
3. Plug-ins
4. Conclusion
Vim as DSL
- `(` or `)`: to quickly navigate from sentence to sentence
- `{` or `}`: to quickly jump from paragraph to paragraph
- `ciw`: to quickly change a word in a sentence
- `daw`: one of the sequences I use most often
- `das`: to delete a whole sentence
- `ci(`: to change the words within the brackets
- `.`: 'the dot formula', to repeat the last change
Vim as DSL: Spell Checking
- `]s`: goto next misspelled word
- `[s`: goto previous misspelled word
- `zg`: mark word as good
- `zw`: mark word as wrong
- `z=`: suggests correct words
1. [Vimtex](https://github.com/lervag/vimtex)
2. [Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/)
3. [Vimwiki](https://vimwiki.github.io/)
4. [Ditto](https://github.com/dbmrq/vim-ditto)
5. [Goyo](https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim)
6. [Targets](https://github.com/wellle/targets.vim)
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The original talk and the slides are [here](https://github.com/ramonvoges/Vimfest2017).